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Poster Exploration playing around with merging typography with a duo-tone stylized image shot by yours truly. 


Simple Photo manipulation exploring texture, and moody city imagery along with added graphic elements and altered lighting.


A simple frame-by-frame animation and motion exploration that was captured during the astonishing Natural Selection Contest.


A digital photo manipulation that was built around the idea of creating a new setting using photo manipulation. Swipe to see the black ink version. 


This Design Sprint was inspired by analog cut-and-paste collage techniques and was inspired by the idea of sightseeing.

You & Your Conscience.jpg

You. & Your Conscience.

This piece was inspired by cut-and-paste analog collage techniques that were executed digitally. My goal was to keep the piece as neutral and clean as possible without the need for any heavy digital manipulation.

The piece was later used as a test print in an 
analog print process using CMYK screen-printing to print the piece onto 90lb Stonehenge. 


Below you will find a collection of my favorite pieces of personal exploration that have been created over the past years. Click on the image to view the full frame.